Team Picture
Alliance Partners at the Oregon City District
Word Championship - Galileo Division
- Team 4488 was Rank 11 with a record of 13-6-0
- Championship Finalists
- Pit Safety Award
Autodesk PNW FRC Championship
- Team 4488 was Rank 3 with a record of 14-5-0
- Regional Finalist
- Quality Award sponsored by Motorola
PNW FIRST Robotics Oregon City District Event
- Team 4488 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-2-0
- District Chairman's Award
- Event Winner
- Pit Safety Award
PNW FIRST Robotics Wilsonville District Event
- Team 4488 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-2-0
- Event Winner
- Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors
- Safety Buttons
As a member of the Pacific Northwest district, Team 4488 ranked 1
Shockwave Wins at 2014 Girls Generation
Check below for the technical specification of Wildfire
Wildfire: Competition Robot
2014 Challenge Aerial Assist
Game Animation
Wildfire Reveal Video
On January 4, the FIRST organization announced the year’s challenge! It is called "Aerial Assist" and is centered on the values of teamwork.
Two alliances of three robots each compete to score balls into goals on their side of the field. The playing ground is divided into three separate sections: Blue Alliance, Neutral, and Red Alliance. All machines start in the neutral zone, facing their alliance zone.
Points are made from passing and scoring the ball. Passing the ball to another robot in a different zone that is closer to the goal gives ten points and can be stacked up to thirty points before requiring to be scored. Shooting the ball through the low goal grants one point, while the high one provides ten. Also, there is a truss, a metal bar, going horizontally across the neutral zone. Shooting over that immediately toward the correct goal rewards ten points and will gain an additional ten points if the ball is caught by an ally.
Not all of the competition is gaining a higher score. Preventing the opposing side from collecting more points is yet another aspect. Blocking passes and shots on the field, with an extra allowed height advantage in the goalie zones, is one more challenge. Robots are allowed to push others for up to six seconds at a time, with three second pauses in-between each time.
As always, there is a short period in the beginning of each game where the robots are fully automated. In this ten second autonomous mode, shooting into a goal gets a five point bonus along with the standard amount. The high goals will be randomly highlighted for 5 seconds and will grant an additional five points if scored in while lit. For each machine that drives forward into their own zone in front of the goals, the alliance will earn five bonus points.
Needless to say, Shockwave worked hard for a long time. Diligently progressing from 6:30 to 9:00 PM on weekdays and 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Saturdays ensures that they will go far and gain precious knowledge and experience!
2013-14 Mock Build Week - Bucketball
From December 9th to 14th, we held a Mock Build Week. Once again our Head Mentor Jean created a challenge for the students in the team to solve in one week.
After deep consideration, they presented the project. The Team had to construct a robot that could lift up a soccer ball and place it in a "Home Depot" bucket on a table. At the beginning of the test, the robot would be rotated plus or minus ten degrees from facing the ball. In autonomous, we were encouraged to program the machine to automatically lift up the ball and drive towards the bucket (bonus points if it managed to score!).
This simple challenge incorporated much ideas from previous FIRST competitions and from real-life experiences at work places combined with the fresh, great thoughts of the devoted mentors and volunteers. Some of the concepts in the game were manipulation of objects, randomness factors, and the general difficulty and stress of creating a functioning robot in a week.
Everyone was busy for the next week, diligently working at Glencoe High School from 6:30 to 9:00 PM on the weekdays and from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturdays. The students gained very valuable knowledge and experience through the exercise. Even though the team was limited by time and initial knowledge, they were able to successfully complete the challenge! We were definitely prepared for the real six-week Build Season after that.
Wildfire 2014 Technical Specifications
Drive System
Single Speed WCD with 6 CIMs, 6 Wheel Drive
Direct Drive Center Wheels and Belt Drive Front and Back Wheels
Underweight to Improve Acceleration and Maneuverability
Max Speed: 10.5 Feet/Second
Pneumatic Powered Curved Pivoting Arm with Roller for 180 Degree Feeding
Feeds from the Ground or from a Human Player Toss
- Reverse for Passing or Low Goal Scoring
- Variable Speed Motor with Versa Planetary Gearbox for Variable Speed Passing
- Robust and Low Maintenance Direct Drive Design
- Moves Ball from Ground to Shooting Mechanism in 1 Second (1 Second Loading Time)
Shooting Mechanism
Catapult with Choochoo Cocking Mechanism (Combined Gear System with Articulated Linkage Bars)
- Cocks in Less than 2 Seconds
- Combined Cocking and Firing Mechanism
Shooting Range: 8 Feet to 20 Feet
Shoots over Truss to Human Player or Another Robot
Side Panels Keep Ball Centered on Catapult and Guarantees Possession even under Rough Game play
Spring Type:
- Multiple Individual Surgical Tubing Loops for Easy Calibration
- Uses Carabineers for Ease of Installation and Removal
- Adjustable Force for Optimal Ball Velocity
Shoots with Feeder in any Position
Constant Shooting Angle (Adjusted to Get Optimal Ball Trajectory)
LabVIEW Code
One, Two, and Three Ball Autonomous Modes
- Always Get Mobility Bonus
Uses Gyroscope and Encoders to Deliver True Straight Driving
Mounted under Chassis for Low Center of Gravity and Easy Access
Sensors: Gyroscope, Quadrature Encoder on each Gear Box
Action Conditional Color LEDs on Feeder